
As TTC is a contest and not a workshop or conference, it has a rather unusual format. The morning of the contest will be used to score the solutions to the Quality-based Software Selection and Hardware-Mapping case. The afternoon of the contest will be used to score solutions to the live contest (a transformation problem that will be announced on Monday 15 July online and in the ICGT/ICMT keynotes). The purpose of the morning and afternoon sessions is the same: to present your solution, score the solutions of others, and to determine an overall winner in each category.

Monday 15th July — Thursday 18th July

All day - the conference venue offers plenty of public work stations that can be used as a hackspace for you to work on your solutions to the live contest, or to talk about transformations with other contestants and TTC organisers.

Friday 19th July

Time Detail
09.00 Welcome
09.10 Introduction to the Truth Tables to Binary Decision Diagrams case study
09.20 ATL (non-reference) - Dennis Wagelaar, Théo Le Calvar and Frédéric Jouault
Opponents: Albert Zuendorf, Johannes Mey, René Schöne, Christopher Werner and Uwe Assmann

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09.30 Fulib - Albert Zuendorf
Opponents: Johannes Mey, René Schöne, Christopher Werner and Uwe Assmann, Akram Idani, German Vega and Michael Leuschel

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09.40 JastAdd - Johannes Mey, René Schöne, Christopher Werner and Uwe Assmann
Opponents: Akram Idani, German Vega and Michael Leuschel, Georg Hinkel

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09.50 MEEDUSE - Akram Idani, German Vega and Michael Leuschel
Opponents: Georg Hinkel, Christopher Werner, Rico Bergmann, Johannes Mey, René Schöne and Uwe Assmann

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10.00 NMF - Georg Hinkel
Opponents: Christopher Werner, Rico Bergmann, Johannes Mey, René Schöne and Uwe Assmann, Artur Boronat

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10.10 SCROLL - Christopher Werner, Rico Bergmann, Johannes Mey, René Schöne and Uwe Assmann
Opponents: Artur Boronat, Dennis Wagelaar, Théo Le Calvar and Frédéric Jouault

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10.20 YAMTL - Artur Boronat
Opponents: Dennis Wagelaar, Théo Le Calvar and Frédéric Jouault, Albert Zuendorf

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10.30 Coffee Break
11.00 Introduction to the Live Contest
11.20 - 12.30 Solutions to the Live Contest
12.30 Lunch
14.30 Post-lunch coffee
15.00 Awards and wrap up
16.00 Contest ends